Thursday, March 5

What to do, what to do...

(I didn't post yesterday - there was nothing TO post.)
So, a co-worker asked me what my plans were for this afternoon with Kasen. I told her we'd either be going home for a nap (poor kiddo has been TIRED lately), or we'd go to the park. A little while later she said she had something for me & went to her car to get it. She came back with $20 & said "take your baby out to lunch". Awwwww!
Now, I'm all about using gift money for what the giver wishes, BUT I'm also all about not spending money. What should I do? I won't take him to lunch today 'cause he will have already eaten & the time I pick him up is actually nap time. So, should I treat us all to dinner out? Lunch out on a different day? Save it to take him somewhere fun next week? Put the $20 in the bank & move on? What shall I do?


Melanie said...

Save it to do something fun. LOL it could buy you 1 ticket for the Thomas the Train rides up in Grapevine at the end of the month. I want to take Ethan but the price makes me chock and I'm not even doing the year without challenge.

Dina said...

what a nice co-worker! save it for something fun later!!

Chrystyna said...

Definitely DON'T put it in the bank and move on. Any of the other options sound good though ;) What a great gift!!

Holly said...

What a nice gift!! Do something fun with it for you and Kasen!!!